The Blog
Leading with a Lens of Inquiry Book Club Resource
Seeing the warm welcome and celebration of Leading with a Lens of Inquiry has really been quite something special this past month.
Your DMs, sharing with your PLN and invitations to continue the work beyond the book you have in your hands is so very much appreciated (an understatement for the gratitude I have!) ☺️.
So many of you are venturing out on holidays and tucking the book into your carry on, sitting with the words…
SXSWEdu 2023 Panel Picker
Seeing the warm welcome and celebration of Leading with a Lens of Inquiry has really been quite something special this past month.
Your DMs, sharing with your PLN and invitations to continue the work beyond the book you have in your hands is so very much appreciated (an understatement for the gratitude I have!) ☺️.
So many of you are venturing out on holidays and tucking the book into your carry on, sitting with the words by the pools with your families and friends and tagging me in some of your favorite pages to share your thinking, requests to sign your books in person and questions and overwhelming enthusiasm…
Instructional Coaching Conference 2022: Press Play
I’m really excited to share that I will be presenting at Region 13’s Instructional Coaching Conference: Press Play this summer. This event was one of the very first I attended when I stepped outside of the classroom and into a leadership role. This two day event is packed with keynotes and sessions focused on student centered coaching and the nuances of the influence instructional coaches have in their role, think tank opportunities to connect with other leaders to brainstorm, share experiences and learn from one another.
Reframing Feedback (and a book update!)
Today I submitted the final round of edits and revisions before Leading with a Lens of Inquiry goes to layout. This portion of the publishing timeline means that the Google docs I’ve been working from for the past fourteen months get turned in the layout of the book, the very one you will be holding in your hands in a little over a month.
Leading with a Lens of Inquiry: Cultivating Conditions for Curiosity and Empowering Agency…sneak peek!
Today I submitted the final round of edits and revisions before Leading with a Lens of Inquiry goes to layout. This portion of the publishing timeline means that the Google docs I’ve been working from for the past fourteen months get turned in the layout of the book, the very one you will be holding in your hands in a little over a month.
Going Further with Inquiry: The Critical Friend
Going further is a stage in the inquiry cycle.
During this stage, there’s a depth and complexity to learning as connections are made and questions are answered and evaluated to determine next steps in the process of learning. Our findings and conclusions are shared with peers and help cultivate the landscape for conversations and dialogue. We take our learning deeper by inviting different perspectives through more collaboration as we continue to make sense of our learning and reflect on the ways it’s changed over time.
The Dispositions of Leadership: Cultivating Spaces and Mindsets of Inquiry and STEM
Lifting up the voices of educators who are not afraid of taking risks, finding innovation within the systems we are given and connecting a global network and audience are all attributes of what’s behind the publication, STEMED Magazine.
How to Adjust When You Feel Inquiry Isn’t Working
What happens when you align your curriculum and learning experiences and you get blank stares?
Inquiry Basics: What do once I have learner questions?
Questions are synonymous with inquiry. They are very thing that help us co design the learning with our students. They are the very thing that help us learn what’s important to our learners.
An Inquiry Classroom Questioning Resource
Questions have a way of being more than just a single voice. When we shift our mindset about the purpose of questions, the students do the heavy lifting in our classrooms and questions then become the vehicles we use drive the direction of learning. But, how do we get to this space?
How to Structure Inquiry to Make the Biggest Impact on Your Learners
I had the pleasure of visiting an elementary campus today. It was the culmination of work I had been doing with the coordinator and school over the last few years and the purpose of the in person visit (such a treat now!) was the celebrate their growth in inquiry.
TIES 2022: Leadership Strategy Session- Cultivating a Reflective Practice
Reflection. An action at the heart of an inquiry practice and one that I am quite often drawn to in my work with teachers and leaders. With the ever elusive time that we all seem to not have enough of, I’ll be sharing more about the transformation that this move has within our roles as leaders during the 2022 TIES event.