The Blog
Toddle Assessment Meet Up
It’s spring time here in the states which inevitably means “testing season”. And while assessment should be something that happens with our students throughout the course of a school year, the hyper focus on testing, overall performance, and summative assessment is quite high. Teachers and students are fatigued and our stamina and focus is also something that feels like an extra challenge.
Leave it Toddle to organize a special Assessment Meetup to refresh and revitalize our mindsets and recenter ourselves to what really matters…
Leading with a Lens of Inquiry Book Club Resource
Seeing the warm welcome and celebration of Leading with a Lens of Inquiry has really been quite something special this past month.
Your DMs, sharing with your PLN and invitations to continue the work beyond the book you have in your hands is so very much appreciated (an understatement for the gratitude I have!) ☺️.
So many of you are venturing out on holidays and tucking the book into your carry on, sitting with the words…
Reframing Feedback (and a book update!)
Today I submitted the final round of edits and revisions before Leading with a Lens of Inquiry goes to layout. This portion of the publishing timeline means that the Google docs I’ve been working from for the past fourteen months get turned in the layout of the book, the very one you will be holding in your hands in a little over a month.
The Dispositions of Leadership: Cultivating Spaces and Mindsets of Inquiry and STEM
Lifting up the voices of educators who are not afraid of taking risks, finding innovation within the systems we are given and connecting a global network and audience are all attributes of what’s behind the publication, STEMED Magazine.
An Inquiry Classroom Questioning Resource
Questions have a way of being more than just a single voice. When we shift our mindset about the purpose of questions, the students do the heavy lifting in our classrooms and questions then become the vehicles we use drive the direction of learning. But, how do we get to this space?