Below you will find many resources that have been created and used with teachers as well as resources from workshops and conference engagements. You are welcome to join this community as I lead with inquiry in order to provide learners with the best possible opportunities for growth, curiosity, agency, and the ability to foster an inquiry mindset of their own.
Download and print these helpful sketchnotes from all of Jessica’s work to support adopting inquiry and strengthening implementation in your school. Thanks go to Ryan Bear for collaborating on these sketchnotes and for bringing these ideas to life through the power of imagery.
Follow him at @ryanbearart for more of his talented body of work.
Free Resources & Downloads
Tuning in with Intentions: A Quick Guide to a Mindful Practice
Where do we start with inquiry? We start with the present moment. Intentions are not goal s . Intentions are absent of expectation, outcomes , evaluations or judgement s . Intentions al low us to be softer and provide a way for us to open up a bit more, tuning in to the deeper part of ourselves . By creating space to dig a bit deeper we can be more intentional , more mindful in the way s that we show up in our daily actions and interactions with others.
The Balance of Questions: Playing With Questions
Shifting the way in which we approach questions with our learners is an imperative move we need take as inquiry teachers. Yet, how do we shift the culture of questioning in our spaces to help students grow their questioning competency? Try using one of these structures (or a combination of a few!) in this resource we allow space for students to play, reflect and have discourse about the way we use and view questions in our learning space.
An Inquiry into Listening
As we tune into more of the ways we are intentional with our approach to our learners in the classroom, we take a closer look at ourselves. We invite more intentionality into our practice by reflecting on the ways we actively engage with others, cultivating skills that allow us to be present with what's right in front of us. Use this resource as a moment of personal inquiry and quiet action to observe what ripple effect it on your mindset while stretching you to stand a bit more still.
Idea Wall
Sometimes our ideas are big and bold and need more time to grow and sometimes the ideas we have are seeds we plant while we are sorting and making sense of learning. Making and keeping our thinking visible shows our learners we remain curious and continue to highlight that we value the process of meaning making. Use these posters as your very own "Idea Wall" anchoring your big picture thinking and planning, yet leaving space for co construction with our learners.
Question Badge
Need a bit of support and structure as you build your capacity for questions? Leaders, coaches, and teachers try these out and share with the inquiry community. Use these cards as a way to help facilitate reflective conversations with your students, build your repertoire and comfort level with engaging in questioning and reflection in your inquiry classroom.
Visible Thinking Posters
Whether you’re leading the learning for adults or facilitating inquiry in the classroom, visible thinking routines are a fantastic way to slow down learning and support your learners during the process of meaning making. Using these posters, our rooms become more than just four walls but authentic evidence that help us document the evidence from the thinking, conversations & ideas explored amongst the learners. Download a poster or a whole collection and use these to scaffold group discussions, document goal setting, or just keep yourself accountable!
Sharpening the Skills of Reflection
Modeling thinking and language, collaboration, curiosity, listening and relationships are all essential skills of reflection but what do these look like within our practice? Using this this guide to support and stretch your reflective capacity while sharpening this skill that lies at the heart of inquiry.
Planning with Inquiry Template
Utilize the following template as you are planning and leading with a lens of inquiry. Consider your notes through the reflection process before planning for your sessions with your adult learners.
Planning with Curiosity Flowchart
When approaching our professional practice, we start with curiosity in mind. We plan with learner interests intentionally balancing wonder and awe with the essential skills we know our learners need. Use this flow chart to start your planning process or revisit these questions as you reflect on your lessons and refine your inquiry practice.
Listen & Learn
I always appreciate the opportunity to speak with educational voices around the world. Here are some of my most recent appearances on a variety of podcasts. If you are interested in having me on your own podcast, please connect with me on my contact page.
The power of intentions, inquiry-based learning as a framework for designing PD, and practical ways that adult learners can make their learning visible.
How can coaches use the inquiry process to enhance student and teacher learning?
Inspiration, Influence, and Impact: Time to Get Curious and Start Questioning
The importance of modeling and maintaining spaces that honor agency, curiosity, reflection, and collaborative learning.
The power of intentions, inquiry-based learning as a framework for designing PD, and practical ways that adult learners can make their learning visible.
Start including more conversation and subject discussion in the classroom. How and why you should be using provocation in your daily / weekly routines.
How conscious are we of the practices we’re implementing? Learn more —
How questions are our superpower and the role of curiosity, reflection, and mindfulness have on our leadership.
everyone wants to feel and be seen and how might we approach this with a different mindset & lens? Inquiry, curiosity & learning walls!
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Things tend to make more sense if you can see them. This video collection focuses on leading, coaching, and planning with an inquiry mindset.